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Referendum Updates

In April 2024, South Milwaukee voters approved a five-year, non-recurring referendum that has added $2 million per year to the school district's operating budget. This page is a resource for the community to see how those dollars are being spent and the impact they have on our student. 

The Referendum

Safe, Supported, and Successful means new and upgraded cameras and electronic door locks. It means being competitive with neighboring districts for teacher and staff salary to attract and retain personnel in a tight labor market to provide stability to students in our schools.

It means a K-12 STEM career exploration program that enriches what we already do and shows students careers in those fields. It means makerspaces in our elementary schools, a reimagined STEM classroom in the Middle School and updated classroom smart boards and LED screens. 

Referendum Logo

What does it mean?

Progress Made With Referendum Dollars

Plan for Using the Funding

2024-25 Budget