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Relentless Commitment: Our Five-Year Plan

First page of the PDF file: SouthMilwaukeeStrategicPlan2024-2029v1_1


Dear Community of South Milwaukee,

Think back to 2019. Think about how much your personal life has changed since then. We can’t know what the next five years will bring, but we can be certain that we will grow and change, and we will have obstacles to overcome. As you know, children grow and mature so fast. The next five years for them will be critical to who and what they become. That’s why we’re looking ahead to 2029.

Recently, members of the larger community, staff, administrators, and students gathered and spent a lot of time thinking about who we are and what we want for our school community in the next five years.

We established our core values, mission, and vision statements and outlined what we want to accomplish for our staff, students, and the community in the next five years. In March, the School Board adopted that plan, titled Relentless Commitment.

The title comes from the District’s mission statement, that we “act with a relentless commitment to remove barriers and care for all students so they feel accepted and will learn without exception.”

This plan, which I encourage you to read on our website, lays out for students some of the best practices for students, like “prioritizing student-centered instructional practices in order to increase academic proficiency and whole-child growth” and engaging in “purposeful planning” with students and caregivers to develop meaningful plans for after high school. 

Sometimes when you hear about a big organization creating a plan, it goes on a shelf and isn’t looked at again. 

Not here. 

We have written out a list of performance indicators - goals we expect to reach - like significantly increasing the overall District Report Card score and achieving the “exceeds expectations” designation from the state. Not listed in the published plan but also developed by each team, are yearly markers that are designed to ensure we hit our five year goals and that our plan doesn’t sit on a shelf. 

We have similar objectives and measures for how we interact with employees, manage our finances, and engage with the community. 

All combined, this plan gives us a path forward to ensuring a brighter future for our students and staff, being good stewards of taxpayer dollars, and being an important resource and benefit to the larger community. 

I am so thankful for those who spent time working on our strategic plan. Thank you for helping us chart our way forward. I’m excited for what the future holds. 

-Deidre Roemer

  • Bridges