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Another $100,000 Grant for SM Fields 

The Green Bay Packers Foundation announced in April that South Milwaukee was awarded a $100,000 grant from the NFL Foundation through the NFL Club Matching Youth Football Field Grant Program. 

First page of the PDF file: SouthMilwaukeeStrategicPlan2024-2029v1_1

Recently, members of the larger community, staff, administrators, and students gathered and spent a lot of time thinking about who we are and what we want for our school community in the next five years.

We established our core values, mission, and vision statements and outlined what we want to accomplish for our staff, students, and the community in the next five years. In March, the School Board adopted that plan, titled Relentless Commitment.

Emily Duelge

First-grade teacher Emily Duelge is a brand new teacher at Rawson Elementary School – but she’s no stranger to the school. Duelge (Pronounced DULL-GEE) is a South Milwaukee alum, attended Rawson Elementary School, and is teaching in the classroom next door to where she sat when she was a first grader.

inside of the newly renovated fieldhouse

The 2023-24 school year saw some major improvements – some by choice, some not – at the High School. The building, which was built as part of a referendum, was built in 2004. The 20-year bond that financed the construction was paid off early in 2022, but like any investment, it needed its wear-and-tear components replaced.