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Referendum 2024 - Safe, Supported, and Successful - Vote April 2

Imagine What's Possible - 2024 Referendum

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Voters can register at the City Clerk’s office prior to the election date or at the polling place on Election Day. Voter registration deadline in the Clerk’s office is the Friday before an election. There is no voter registration on the Monday before an election.

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Our Most Frequently Asked Question

Safe, Supported, and Successful means new and upgraded cameras and electronic door locks. It means being competitive with neighboring districts for teacher and staff salary to attract and retain personnel in a tight labor market to provide stability to students in our schools.

It means a K-12 STEM career exploration program that enriches what we already do and shows students careers in those fields. It means makerspaces in our elementary schools, a reimagined STEM classroom in the Middle School and updated classroom smart boards and LED screens. 

This year, South Milwaukee is in a unique position to make all that happen with a referendum and the impact to the tax levy. At the end of the 2023-24 school year, $2.8 million in energy efficiency debt is falling off and the district has the rare opportunity to switch from levying for debt to levying for general operations.

That switch in levying authority – moving from debt to operating funds -- limits the increase in the mill rate relative to the 2023-24 school year.

November 1st Board Meeting Excerpt

The above link is from the informational sessions during School Board meetings describing how a potential referendum would work and what the tax impact might be on homeowners.

Total School District Levy
Total School District Levy

The chart above shows the components of the tax levy and the how shifting levy authority from debt to operations would affect the overall levy.

The School District of South Milwaukee takes great pride in its role as a core community asset. Our community expects high-quality opportunities for its students—something our school district has delivered for generations.

On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, residents will vote on a new $2 million five-year, non-recurring operational referendum to ensure our students continue to have access to the high-quality educational experiences they need and deserve.

What does it mean?

What Referendums Have Done For South Milwaukee

About the Referendum

Our Plan

Prioritizing security upgrades at our schools is key. Additional cameras, door locks requiring electronic keyfob swipes, and taking measures to improve traffic safety on 15th Avenue will increase safety for our students.

SDSM needs to address projected budget deficits and ensure we retain staff so we can provide consistency for our students.

Enhanced career exploration starting in elementary school will give students exposure to more career-specific skills. As they move through the school system, students will have access to intentional planning to ensure they are taking advantage of all the courses we offer to prepare them for their choice of college, career, or the military.

Technology investments will ensure students have the latest tools to learn and prepare for life after high school.

Board Members: Why I Voted to Go to Referendum

Board Discussions Leading Up to Adding a Referendum Question to the Ballot

communication plan image

Excerpt from the December 13, 2023 School Board meeting hearing about a draft communication plan to be implemented if the Board chooses to add a referendum to the 2024 spring ballot. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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What We're Asking

Our community will vote on a proposed operational referendum on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. An approved referendum will enable the district to exceed its revenue limit by $2 million per year for the next five years.

Plan for Using the Funding

Tax impact

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